Well, Craigie "full of Shit" gernfart has been up to his usual crap today and over the past week or so - but really with a scum bucket like Craig, and other shit heads - shit rises to the top and leave a bad scent for everyone to smell.
Not to mention comment approval, because your "loyal readers" (the whole 10 of them) are tired of the b/s comments.
For Starters, he say's
"Save 4 H"Well, have you given any of your trust fund to a local 4H chapter?
I doubt it, so shut up you have no right to complain about it if you are not part of the solution.
And it may have kept you out of trouble as a teen, but it is truly apparent you don't take the lessons learned from t4H and apply them in your life currently. because you sure cause more trouble for everyone than you we're taugt by 4H as a child.
Except about farm life - you still fuck any animal you can get your cock into!
Sheep, Ponies, Horses, and this list could go on forever - and another animal gives you head - Rogers the blogger.
He's a good cock sucker - ask Tom Womannis! Rogers sucks a lot of cock in the blogger community - Tom swears by him and so does Craig - since Rogers spends a whole lot of time under Craigs Desk!
Next, Craig put's up a little childs drawing in an insulting manner - that is just wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong!
How dare you insult a child - you were one once but you were to busy at the 4 H meetings or fucking animals on the farm!
Then you mention a concert/benefit for a representative who has nothing to do with Rogers Park at all
Hope Locally - Rock Locally
- Evanston, Skokie, Wilmette, and you promote a band from Nashville - what about supporting LOCAL - ROGERS PARK acts since you say to "rock Locally"?
Here's a SMALL list of LOCAL - ROGERS PARK bands
The Good Name Band
Hay Perro
Outlaw Family Band
Pat Hall and the Fat Guys Band
The Reptoids
The Teflons
Craig Champlin
But you don't support local music - only bash and disregard local acts - good thing that band called you out from the stage at the fest last year!!!
And then, you post 6 foot something and full of shit - you are about 6 foot something, and just as full of shit as Larry.
You smell like shit, look like shit, so you must be shit! And I'll be you dont even shop in Chicago - you shop in Evanston like Joe Moore!
And the king of your bullshit - The parking issue on Pratt
and you take full credit for it - how do you know if other residents of that block did not complain about the problem - YOU DON'T - but you just use this to STROKE your ego like Rogers the Blogger and Tom Womannis stroke your cock. Like you and your blog EVER really get anything in Rogers Park done except for bitching about things that YOU could get up off of your lazy trust fund baby ass and fix your own damn self. But you are a computer Gangster - only typing your issues, from behind a keypad, never getting off his ass to actually be productive in Rogers Park - but since you are so negative, you only damage Rogers Park!
On a humorous Side Note, Tom Wommanis proved just how stupid he actually is in his blog - he thought Hillary Clinton's
middle name was Rodham - HE HE HE HA HA HA - and called people idiots and other child like names for disagreeing with him
Hey Womannis - Rodham is her MAIDEN name you dumb fuck!
And you call people idiots - like Craig, you need to get, read and UNDERSTAND all of the facts before you open your biased opinion up and post it as the word of God! RPKELLY, way to go - keep it up - show the Rogers Park blogging community how much of an idiot REPUBLICANT Tommie Wommanis is! I liked his pictures of the colt 45 and cheap tequilla - showing us what his drinks of choice are.
Hey Craig, Tommie Wommanis is a drunk like you - maybe you two should get together, and drink - that is when you're not getting kicked out of parties - tom and the Steans Party - Ha!!!!! LOL !!!!!! LMAO!!!!!
And once gain, Craig's political choice LOST!
Hey, if you are running for any political office and want to Win, make sure you get on Craigies bad side - it's asure4 fire way to WIN!
here's a couple of losers who listened to and buddied up with Craig and Lost
Don "no dong" Gordon
Susan "Slut" Elder
And Craig, if you keep pointing all of the good drug spots, and the cops arrest the dealers, where are you going to get your
dope you dope?
Sub Brothers - it's your favorite Rogers Park hang out - didn't I see you walking out of there with a burger and a rock in your hand? Give it up - let them run their business - be happy at least a couple of businesses are still on Morse Ave you dumb fuck!
And another side not - Roger, if you are really so gung ho about talking shit , lets meet and resolve our "issues" I'd love to meet you and then beat you - down like the little bitch you are!!! Pick the place - but it has to be in Rogers Park, not edgewater, not evanston, Rogers Park!
Ready for your beat down Rogers?