Monday, February 18, 2008

Well, Craig the cocksucker sent me a stupid little video he made of Joe moore and Criags Boyfriend Jay with them doing some stupid little dance.

Craig, this shows a few things about you.
One, you have way too much time on your hands, and should get a life. Really, I am in the offices of GAY CHICAGO now, hateblogging you.

come find me. Dare you to.

but that would mean you need to get up from your computer and look around here.

you're nothing more that a pansy.

Two, you depict them in "sexually provocative dances, etc which means you want them to fuck your ass.and or have the hots for all of them, and want to get it on with them.
Didn't you and womannais have enough alone time this weekend? Neither you two really work, so take an extra day off, and finish the job, although it shouldn't really take the whole day - about 30 seconds each, so you'd have 23 hours and 59 minutes to spend trash talking and degrading Rogers Park, the community you 2 claim to love so much.
Invite Rogers the blogger who loves the bukake! Shoot the goo in his face! give it to that fruity fuck good, he needs a shot in the face to remind him that he is a little bitch, and should be treated like one.

Three, that even though you own Gay Chicago, you aren't a worthwhile owner.
Rather than spending your time with your bullshit blog, a good business owner would actually spend time concentrating on his business, improving it, making it better, but you just act like the trust fund brat you are, leeching off of the magazine and society, spewing your full of shit attitude and lies about a community that some of live in and have lived in for years longer than you.

You complain and bitch so much, why don't you get off of your lazy ass, turn off your computer, set down your camera and go out in the community and do something constructive?
Go sweep something, help out in a community center .
donate your time in a productive manner to the community.
but you won't because you are really worthless and a sack of shit.

And Rogers the blogger, go suck Craig off, you'd be doing each other a favor!


Craig Gernhardt said...

Natas ate all his Wheaties this morning.

Unknown said...

Somebody needs a time out.