Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Week in Review - lets Translate Craigs B/S for you

The Week in Review
Well, it seems craigie poo is up to the same old bull shit again. But what else is new, so today we reveal the truths in his BULLSHIT!!!!!!! Are you ready??
SSA #24 Commissioners Window Still Broken
This means that Craigie poo Does not like Katy Hogan.
What, she would not give you head, hates you, but then again, most of Rogers Park thinks you’re an asshole and scumbag, so she’s not alone.

Get over her craigie poo, she was here before you and will be here after one of those dumb gangbangers wastes you.

****** ORIGINAL POST**********

Tom Mannis over at the Rogers Park Bench also covered the DevCorp North tax-payer funded 'Circle Jerk' Mural ceremony. 

Notice in the edited Mannis version, hypocrite Katy Hogan, owner of the Red Line Saloon, still hasn't beautified her broken window. 

Yet, all the while, Katy has the nerve to tell other business owners how their storefronts should look.

BLOGNOTES: Hey Katy, why not just hold a secret SSA meeting and skim $200 bucks out of the Special Service Area Tax money? Hell, none of the other dumb SSA #24 tax-payers will notice. You can get your crappie looking window fixed. Call it a facade improvement - or something. Then, you can hold a pep-rally and pat yourself on the back.

* Mural Project Excites Bares

This post means that Kimberly thinks she is hot for Craigie.
We know he’s hot for her. Isn’t she the on that has been giving Craigie the finger, and that kid @ the Heartland said she was hitting on Craig? You talk about her lipstick – like other freaks in Rogers Park, but then again you are the top FREAK!!!!!

Well I bet she is hitting on you Craigie, got get some. You know you want to get laid by someone aside form the crack whores you hire or humping your fist.

****** ORIGINAL POST**********

Anyone can put lipstick on a pig - but it's still going to be a pig. That's exactly what DevCorp North did with the Morse Avenue EL stop. The big hoopla regarding the Mural has turned out to be nothing more than painting over a rotted piece of wood. Or in this case, crumbling concrete.

Still, when you listen to Kim Bares, she'll praise this 'glued-on creation' as if it were one of seven great wonders of the world. The skill of telling a bold faced lie in public must be one of the qualities DevCorp North looks for in a executive director. 

After two major drug busts in two years and no end in site for closing the current crop of new drug salesmen - How is this mural going to stop the open air drug market?

Two years ago DevCorp North failed in it's $25,000, three month, holistic, private security service. Last year DevCorp North started installing video cameras. Neither worked - yet both cost the tax payers a ton of money, padding Kim Bares ever expanding bank-account. And no one's any safer today.

How is this mural going to make Morse Avenue any safer, if those two programs didn't?

So, listen to Kim. She'll show and tell you just how excited she about the economic development this mural will provide. Personally, I'm not buying it. Are you?
Loyola Blogging

This is just Craig wishing he was a college student, and was able to go to Loyola, but could never afford it.
It also shows he wants to see young underage girls. That’s all.
Craig you are a pig and pervert!

****** ORIGINAL POST**********
I've been meaning to run this photo for awhile. It's one of the new buildings popping up on the Loyola University campus. This was taken from the Pratt Pier. It's a nice day everyone, go take a walk, ride or jog by the lake. Check out the view for yourself. It's a beauty.

Dismal Ribbon Cutting Turn-out - Joe Still Preaches to the Choir
This just means that Craigie poo was one of the members of Joe Moore’s Choir, but you cant sing, so get over it craig, what voice envy, better than the penis envy you get every time you open a gay porno mag and realize how small your cock is.

****** ORIGINAL POST**********

I had a hunch this would happen. After watching this video, can you honestly tell me Joe didn't bring parade 10 year old Zachary out as protection? Kinda like a buffer from the blog media. Knowing he was going to be under heavy questioning, Joe used little Zack to keep the hard questions from coming. And today, it worked. Joe got a pass. But...

... I did get my weekends entertainment in. I got to pick Zacks little brain. And boy, can the kid talk. Must get that from the old man. 

The crowd was estimated at 30 people. At least 2/3's (20 or so) of those in attendance were members of Joe's or DevCorp's choir. The poor promotion by DevCorp North is the major factor in the dismal turn-out. That didn't keep everyone from patting themselves on the back.

So with-out further commentary, click the video for Joe's ribbon-less ribbon cutting.

BLOGNOTES: The flyer lied. State Rep. Harry Osterman was a no-show. I guess Harry couldn't find anyone to hide behind.

Monday we'll have the Kim Bares speech.

Deal Gone Down - Everyone's Happy
This is just craig showing a picture of his local dealer and favorite prostitute to call upon.
That’s the view out of his back window/porch. So Gangbangers and My Hommies, look at the view, that’s where he is, go get him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He wants you to come over and teach him about drugs and help him overdose and die.

****** ORIGINAL POST**********
They woke me up again this morning at a ungodly hour. Four o'clock in the morning. As I looked down the alley I saw over a dozen shadowy figures. They were mostly dressed in long, down-to-their-knees, white t-shirts. They were yelling and making a bunch of noise. Thankfully, no gunshots were heard. 

By Five o'clock AM, they were still working the 1300 block of Morse, Glenwood to Lunt, and all point in between.

At 6:40 AM, I caught them making a sale, handing-off a white rock to the black lady in the camouflage over-alls. It all happened in a blink of an eye. They were right under my window, so I couldn't get the exact hand-off on camera. But believe me, that's what happened. I did get a photograph as they went back to the 1300 block of West Morse Avenue. Happy as can be. Wonder if they'll still be around for the ribbon cutting this morning?
Is Being A Poor Neighborhood "Progressive?"
Well, when you leave rogers park with the rest of the dip sticks that bash rogers park, the per capita income will sky rocket and property values will rise immediately, so Craig and the jerk off’s, MOVE!!!!!!
Help make my condo worth more, help raise property values and move

****** ORIGINAL POST**********
According to a new report, Rogers Park is "emerging as one of the low-income neighborhoods" of Chicago. This clearly contradicts what DevCorp North and the Joe Moore have been feeding us these past few years. Instead of being on the upswing, this report shows Rogers Park is falling into a deep pit of poorness. Is this what the progressive 49th ward political leadership has in mind for the future of Rogers Park?

Timely Repair on Skate Park Fence
It's not in the 49th ward, but it's a issue that has been bothering me for over a month. I use the Wilson Avenue Skate Park quite often - and the above fence had been torn down by some vandals. It's broken state was left unattended longer than it should've been. 

So last Friday, I posted this story on the Uptown Updater. I was hoping to get quicker results than what I had been use to getting in the past in dealing with problems in the 46th ward. Well, I can tell you with confidence, the fence has been repaired.

Graffiti Artists Caught Red-Handed

Craigie is just showing his nephew’s alter ego and secret life.
Craig, how much was his bail?
Can he keep riding that little rice burner you call a bike??

****** ORIGINAL POST**********
Three vandals, posing as graffiti artists, were caught in the early morning hours, after criminally damaging property in the 6300 block of North Broadway. Two offenders tried to escape on the roof of the building, but police called in the fire trucks, using their ladders as assistance to apprehend the alleged suspects.

BLOGNOTES: Criminal damage to property seems like a slap on the wrist for all the man-power these three graffiti artists have caused. First, the police and fire department time and equipment used to capture these three. Then the court time. Not to mention the city services in time and money to remove the defacing caused by the spay-painting trio. I'm told this happens at this location at least once a week. And, I'm told, these weren't local artists.

Question of the day. What would you see as the proper punishment?
* Man Spotted With Gun on Morse Avenue
The person was actually Craig in Black Face, as to throw the cops off and defile the afro Americans in our community.

Good Job Craigie!

****** ORIGINAL POST**********
A 911 call came in last night, around 1:15 a.m., reporting a black man with a gun in his hand. No shots were fire, just a exposed gun was seen. The alleged gun-toter was spotted in the 1500 block of West Morse Avenue, right near last weekends city sponsored, gun turn-in program. 

This sighting comes just 24 hours after I heard gun-shots on Morse Avenue. A slow down order was given by the patrol officer arriving on scene. No word if the gun and owner were captured.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Gun Shots Heard @ Morse and Glenwood - MEANS

Craig got bored of being a little wuss, and decided to take matters into his own hands, no, not jerking off, but shooting and his homies!

Craigs #1 note - No Joe never did say we have a victory over the gangs (craigs paid associates and lackeys), but he did say he will work to rid rogers park of the problem.

Craigs #2/#3 Note - He's jealous that he is not on the planning committee for the ward. Jealous of the following people :
Marilyn Pagan, David Fagus, Michael James, Kevin O'Neil and Jim Ginderske. Craig is all in a bunch because he can't help to find new places for the gangs to go.

Craig get over it. put your weapon away, grab your camera and shut the fuck up!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The "Broken Heart"/Morse Hell Hole is SCARED of The Truth from me

That's Right friends and foes, Cragie is scared of the truth getting out and scared of me asking questions of him that he just is too scare to answer. So the scared fruity bastard has decided to not let me post, even it's the truth. what a fucking loser and freak. such a paranoid delusionist that he can't make out reality from fantasy.

He's soooooo scared that his little and I do mean little if you know what I mean, (at least that's what sources close to this blog say - it's really little) that he has decided to put up moderation on all his comments to "filter out" what he deems to scary for him to handle!

Craig, I challenge thee!

Prove me Wrong, come on over and prove me Wrong you fuck.

Come on, show me how correct and right you are.

you'll actually show how jaded and full of shit you are. I DARE YOU FRUITCAKE


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Howard and Bosworth a Mad House (Updated) - MEANS

It really means that Craig wanted the Really good dope last night and decided to go over to Howard St. last night to get his fix.

He was pissed off because when he got there he could not get to his favorite dope spot to buy dope and he had to go back to Morse Ave. To score his fix - the drugs aren't as good on Morse Ave, or So Craig Says.

Original Post

I went out for a bike ride this evening to check out what happened in the shooting at Island Groove Cafe Sunday morning. I can tell you this, the area in my headline is a absolute, crazed nut-house.

Fights, fights and more fights. The crowd is large and they are pumped up for some serious fighting action. People were too busy fighting to even talk about the shooting. I didn't bother calling 911. The police are all over the place.

Updated: When I got home last night, I turned on the scanner to find out the area in question had expanded. Jonquil and Marshfield, Howard and Marshfield and Gale Park were all having major crowd control issues. At one point orders were given to arrest anyone who wouldn't move when asked. Does anyone know why such lawlessness exists north of Howard?

Monday, July 23, 2007

The Week in Review

When Morse Hell Hole Says, Here's What it means, The week in review.

This week we have learned that Craig Hates
Joe Moore - No Surprise - More of a re-affirmation

The location of where Craig Likes to Buy his Drugs at night, and very late at night
Craig has to smoke crack or something, I mean come on to be up at all hours of the night, taking pictures, and he's up in the day too, taking pictures, bitching,Come on Craig, who's got the best junk?

Craig Likes Weed, Well then again, he lives near a bunch of tree hugging fucking hippies.

He likes to stroke himself when things look good to him.

He's pissed that Don Gordons case got thrown out, HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Go Jo Mo Go Jo Mo,

Craig gets horny and He likes to take pictures of underage kids, hmmmm..........
I smell a pedophile in the lurking.
SIDE NOTE : These are actually Craig's children, he's a Dead Beat Dad, and does not get that these little brats need their daddy's love to see them through these tough and turbulant times in their life.

Some Skank named Marcy turned craig down, and he had to go home and masterbate while his dog watches him

He likes to plant weed in the planters in the area

He likes to party with Joe Moore, but then again who doesn't, and the 49th, well, you can pick up the tab for us!!!!!
Whooo Hooooooooo Hic Up.
SIDE NOTE : Craig Can't go to the Top Hat anymore, and needs a new place to drink.....well side by side with his buddy Jo Mo ought to do the trick.

Cease Fire, what's that - when Craig stops shooting his mouth off.
You know, How Craig copies someones notes from the meeting then twists them around as best he can as to make a mockery out of a hard working man like Joe Moore.

Hates some punk kid named Brettly who plays guitar. And to Top it off, thinks he's Me.Are you stupid Craig? Why would I want to look like a reject from the Ramones.
I guess this Fuck wouldn't suck Craigs Dick. Oh wait, he called Craig's Blog Readers assholes, well Craig if the shoe fits, wear it Cragie!

is jealous of Joe Moore going on Vacation, pissed he's not on the Mural Committee, and Hates Al Goldberg and Katy Hogan (but we knew it already).

He's Paranoid about his precious little blog site getting hacked. Freak!!!

Put comment moderation on, because it's Craig's free speech, not real free speech and Craig can't handle when people don't fall on his side of the comment fence.
Free Speech Craig, do you know what that is you nazi?
Go Suck a dick. What A Bitch that Craig is, Well, I won't stop comments here, let em fly!!!!!!!

Hates the park district and our lake front park areas. Well, don't go there. That's simple enough dumb ass, Go run around and take pictures of your children, friends and girlfriends.

Showed us a picture of his best friend, after waking up on craigs couch,

Doesn't like some broad named mary boa, and comepares her to a hurricaine, is that for size or attitude, or both?

What she wouldn't fuck you either craig?

So, it just goes to show that you are a hateful person, who needs to get laid, ok, sorry, bend over and take it in the bunghole.

Enlighten us more oh lowest of the rogers park Scum.

Stay tuned as we pick apart craigs little pack of bull shot and lies in the coming week.


Marcy Hates Craig Means

She would not fuck Craig and he's mad. She Turned him down, Right girl, I wouldn't fuck him either. But then again you're pretty fucking ugly so you best take what you can get.

Neighborhood Mural Suggestions Means

This Means Craigie poo is feeling left out
. Get over it, go ride your bike fuck face.

Original Post

I feel these topics are reflective of what I see in East Rogers Park. Maybe a mural with a gooning in progress complete with victim spitting teeth and blood like in Barfly. A dog shitting on the sidewalk and commuters unwittingly stepping in said shit. A car being vandalized then ticked and later booted and towed. A car being car-jacked or broken into appeals to me. Guys playing craps, dealing crack, a hooker turning a trick, then buying some crack and having a pimp beat her down.

We could have Dorothy, Tin-man, Scarecrow and the lion skipping to the tune Hookers, Junkies and Thieves oh my. Hookers, Junkies and Thieves oh my. Some could be like a comic strip panel by panel. The last panel is the guy and his dog at the lake being hassled by the police and lifeguards for letting his dog go for a swim.

Maybe the teeming millions have a few other ideas. Suggestions anyone.

Newest Hate Blogger? - Means

Craig just doesn't like this Kid Either. I guess he wouldn't give craig head, hump. Panties in a bunch Craig?
It also means craig does not like people telling the truth about hi s bullshit.
Satan. Satan Satan, it's you Craig, you're Satan

Personal Note : I fucking Hate Hippies, and Never eat at the Fartland Cafe.
Not my thing. Hippies, go back to the 60's where you fucking belong

Origial Post

We've got a live one out there. He calls himself Satan. Lucifer Satan. And he's been sending his website around to various people. Gotta love these creative evil-doer types. Could this be the man from the dark side?

BLOGNOTES: Even if this isn't the new blogger, he is the person who called us assholes.

Where's Joe Moore? - Means

This one, do I really need to? Yes, I do. come on craig, you just said Joe is on vacation dummy. I need not comment further except to show how stupid you are.....

Rogers Park - The Real Miles of Murals Means

Craig went out and got busy putting out grafitti in Rogers Park to Frame whom ever he can for this lame excuse for a story

original post no pics

* Rogers Park - The Real Miles of Murals

Hey, Rob Moriarty. You want to see a real neighborhood project. Go around the neighborhood yourself. See what our local artists are doing.

Rumors in the Comments Section MEANS

It means that
1. It's a rumor. .Rumor, Rumor, Rumor, like Craig is a tumor on Rogers Park, this was just a rumor

2. Craig is jealous he's not in Washington sucking up to get a job himself.

Original Post

* Rumors in the Comments Section

Rogers Park Booster said... "I hear on the grape vine, that Joe Moore was in Washington last week on vacation with his girlfriend – and in between doing the things that boys and girls on vacation do, he took a bit of time off to do something a little bit more serious. HE WAS INTERVIEWING FOR JOBS!!!!!

Interviewing for a new job in Wash DC!!!!! ... Oh that it could only be true what those little birds told me....

BLOGNOTES: Joe didn't send me a itinerary. Nor did his office fax one out. Any readers know anything about this rumor? Oh, by the way, I edited the comment a bit. Sorry. I did leave in all those exclamation points. You must be real excited, showing such strong emotion.

Pretenders Play Games Means

Craig thinks Joe Moore and his cronies have the time and want to fuck with his blog.

What a paranoid fuck he is! Or Has such a high opinion of him self he thinks everyone wants to fuck with him. or fuck him. What a loser

Original Post

* Pretenders Play Games (Updated)

Yesterday I mentioned the nonsense Joe Moore's supporters are posting on my blog. Now I've uncovered one of his supporters trying to hack into my website.

Why do I say it's Joe's people? Who else would it be? By now, everyone's got to know, Joe doesn't want this website to exist. He will do anything in his power to have the site disrupted. Including sending trolls out to hack in to various members accounts. Or having people sign-up and call people names. Or make personal attacks. Generally Joe's nut-cases just want to cause blog-mayhem. Now, Joe's got a little weasel posing as various members of the community. Members that always don't agree with Joe.

Take a look at these similarities. Each one of these blogger profiles with the same profile id number are different names. But they all lead to the same blogger address.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Mile of Murals - MEANS

Craig does not like Al Goldber Either, an UPSTANDING member of the Rogers Park Community, and does not want to see the fucked up crappy cement el viaducts look better.
It also means that Craig is upset, because he was not invited to the painting party, and is crying because of it.
Craig, we all know you can't paint, so quit your bitchin you whiny homo!
Craig get your head out of your ass!

******** Original Post By Craig the Fuckhead ********************
* Mile of Murals

If Special Service Area Tax commissioner Al Goldberg had his way, he wouldn't stop at the Mile of Murals project - he'd keep doing murals with tax payer money for the "next ten or eleven years."

Goldberg just wants to keep spending and spending, with SSA tax payer money, as he says, "Murals Forever!" "Just keep on doing it!" That's Al Goldberg's main motto.

What became clear at last nights meeting, that's before I left when Rob Moriarty demanded talk about world issues, is this mural project is a Special Service Area Tax payer waste. DevCorp North has found yet another way to throw money down the drain. All the while acting like they care about the neighborhood. Which they don't.

According to Goldberg, he wants to "Set the bar high". He wants the "Community input". But, only 20 people showed up. Mostly it was the same ole players - making the same ole decisions.

Out of the 20 people in attendance, nine were either part of DevCorp North, part of the Chicago Public Arts Project or the Alderman's office. Some community. Just 11 souls representing all the community members of Rogers Park. That's it.

So, long story short, Goldberg wants to do a mural a year, block-by-block. Then go back and do it again. From what I gathered, he wants this mural to extend outside of the Special Service Area #24 boundaries too. As Goldberg said, "Murals Forever - just keep doin' it'.

Pretenders Play Games (Updated) - MEANS

Craig hates Joe Moore, and will do anything he possibly can to undermine him, even if it's lying, or TWISTING words around to suit his needs.

Plain and Simple.

He's just salty about Skeletor, I mean Don Gordon not winning.

I say
Bring on the condos!!! Bting on the Venues!!! Bring Starbicks to Morse Ave!!
Get rid of ALL the gangs, Mass EXTERMINATION!!!!!
Kill The Poor, (Thanks Mr. Biafra)

Rogers Park - A Community of Twenty People

What That FUCKER craig is saying is that he just doesn't like Joe Moore, and wants to give him head, and that him and his friends are the only people in Rogers Park worth a damn.

Here's that butt pirate, Craigs Post
Joe Moore told about 20 residents gathered at the Sherwin Manor Nursing Home for the meeting that a parking lot is permitted under existing residential zoning. Moore said his office consulted with the Chicago Landmarks Commission, which reported that the building is not architecturally significant.

BLOGNOTES: Not architecturally significant? How many times have we heard that before? And what's the deal?

Why is it: - Everyime the Alderman or DevCorp North holds a meeting, only about 20 people attend or bother to show up, in other words?
