Friday, January 18, 2008

Hey Rogers, Shut the fuck up!

No you sack of shit, I am not gone yet, nor will I ever be!
So long as there are morons like you and Craig and the other dumb ass bloggers, who don't know their head from their own ass, I'll keep on telling it like it is.

Now for you shit head, come on down to the Oasis tonight, I'll be at the pool table, so we can discuss your little bullshit pissant attitude, or maybe you should just go and give your shotgun a big fat wet kiss.

On a side note the results from my poll are in and it seems, well, that most everyone who chimed in thinks Craigie poo poo should quit the blog......and a few think he should go die too.

Well Craig, The People have spoken.

By the way didn't you say you were going to quit the blog, and get a life.

By the way, what is your fetish with shit, do you eat it, roll in it, what?
Grow up you nasty mother fucker.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Well, 2008 is Here


Well, Craig has the same shit - literally - yet again with more pictures of Shit

Craig, if you love shit so much, have some one shit on you!

And by the way, weren't you going to give up the blog??????

Well, what's the problem?

We see the "expansion" of your "coverage" area, but really, all you talk about is the same shit daily - it's old, just like you.

Let's see, so-called "political corruption", Joe Moore and how you hate him, shit, and parking, you're just like a broken record.

You know the majority of the people who responded to my blog poll say you should quit the blog and go die........

Well the people have spoken, time to live up to their requests.

Well you worthless sack of shit, hope you go die in the new year