Sunday, June 29, 2008

More Bullshit from Craig

Well, Today, Craig and his little puppet got assaulted by Scotty the local drunk bum, loiterer, but the 2 fuck heads vbrought it on themselves, acting like a bunch of ambulance chasing lawyers, and running to the "breaking story" at Jarvis and Greenview.

So I ask you 2 dipshits this - if you had not run to the scene of the "crime", would you have been bothered by Scotty, because he is too old and frail of a drunk to be considered a threat worth of being called an assault.

And, Craig, the posters were at least torn down, unlike the Morseland's posters, which are in fact of an event that has already passed - and they are still up you dick head. It just goes to show once again, you'll do what ever the fuck you have to do in order to make people, businesses or what ever you don't like look bad - plain and simple - you're scum, who bashes those who don't agree with you.

Now about this "grifter"
1. Craig if he came anywhere near you, you'd run away like the little bitch you are, call the police, and run back to the guy to try and claim victory and glory for being a little wuss. Didn't your father teach you to be a man? Teach you to stand up for yourself?
I guess not, considering the bullshit and lies you spew. Maybe all of the abuse led you to be this attention starved ego maniac.

2. Sooner or later, he'll pick on the wrong person, and will get caught by the police doing something stupid, just like you craig do stupid shit all of the time.

So currently it's grifter this and grifter that, but in what a few days, it's be Joe Moore this and Joe Moore that - just like the broken record that you are.

Here - your "blog" summer up in a song (sing to the theme song from the Banana Splits)
Blah Blah Blah, Blah BLah BLah Blah, Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah
Just a bunch of Bullshit and garbage - like the company you keep, Tom Mannis, Lorraine Swanson - Garbage and shit stick together