Tuesday, July 22, 2008

3 Stooges

What the fuck are you talking about Mr Brainfart?
Didn't some one already do this story - 3 Stooges?

Oh Yeah, here' s the pic

Now there's 3 Stooges, who don't know their heads from their asses, and probably never will

Still supporting Male Prostitution Craigie Poo Poo?

Gee, it seems that such an Upstanding citizen as yourself would not support prostitution, since you bitch about it in your blog, but it seems as if you do support it, or rather let it support you through your hand me down magazine Gay Chicago - you let all the Male Escorts post in the classified section of your magazine, so that must mean you support Prostitution

Sunday, June 29, 2008

More Bullshit from Craig

Well, Today, Craig and his little puppet got assaulted by Scotty the local drunk bum, loiterer, but the 2 fuck heads vbrought it on themselves, acting like a bunch of ambulance chasing lawyers, and running to the "breaking story" at Jarvis and Greenview.

So I ask you 2 dipshits this - if you had not run to the scene of the "crime", would you have been bothered by Scotty, because he is too old and frail of a drunk to be considered a threat worth of being called an assault.

And, Craig, the posters were at least torn down, unlike the Morseland's posters, which are in fact of an event that has already passed - and they are still up you dick head. It just goes to show once again, you'll do what ever the fuck you have to do in order to make people, businesses or what ever you don't like look bad - plain and simple - you're scum, who bashes those who don't agree with you.

Now about this "grifter"
1. Craig if he came anywhere near you, you'd run away like the little bitch you are, call the police, and run back to the guy to try and claim victory and glory for being a little wuss. Didn't your father teach you to be a man? Teach you to stand up for yourself?
I guess not, considering the bullshit and lies you spew. Maybe all of the abuse led you to be this attention starved ego maniac.

2. Sooner or later, he'll pick on the wrong person, and will get caught by the police doing something stupid, just like you craig do stupid shit all of the time.

So currently it's grifter this and grifter that, but in what a few days, it's be Joe Moore this and Joe Moore that - just like the broken record that you are.

Here - your "blog" summer up in a song (sing to the theme song from the Banana Splits)
Blah Blah Blah, Blah BLah BLah Blah, Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah
Just a bunch of Bullshit and garbage - like the company you keep, Tom Mannis, Lorraine Swanson - Garbage and shit stick together

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

We're Laws Broken - really means

Well, it means Craigie Poo Poo is back in bed with Don Gordon - as he proves once again, by posting a Don " No Dong" Gordon Letter.

Wait, wasn't Cragie Poo Poo hating on Don " No Dong " Gordon before the Aldermanic Run-Off?
I Think So!

OK, now to the real issue North Shore School. It once was a finer learning institution for the Rogers Park community, but the community no longer supported it - who are they going to teach to if they have no enrollment - when the founders and owners are tired and want to give the school up?

No One took it over, tried to keep it as a school, and well, unfortunately, now we have to move on.
If this community supported it, well, maybe, it could have stayed open.

If there weren't so many of you fucking Rogers Park transplants who just bash the area, and take all of your shopping, education for children out of the ward, this would not have happened, but you're good enough to live in Rogers Park but not support it's business?


But Craigie Poo Poo spends lot's of his money in the area - at the crack spots, Soo Liqour, the hookers on Morse, yeah, he supports this community.

And some bloody knife fight? Craigie, who'd ya stab?

And as usual, he's back bashing Joe Moore, Jim Ginderski, Michael James, Katy Hogan, Kevin O'Neil just like a whiny old bitch, or better yet, the broken record that he is - Get over it or get off your homophobic ass and do something!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Well, Craigie "full of Shit" gernfart has been up to his usual crap today and over the past week or so - but really with a scum bucket like Craig, and other shit heads - shit rises to the top and leave a bad scent for everyone to smell.

Not to mention comment approval, because your "loyal readers" (the whole 10 of them) are tired of the b/s comments.

For Starters, he say's
"Save 4 H"
Well, have you given any of your trust fund to a local 4H chapter?
I doubt it, so shut up you have no right to complain about it if you are not part of the solution.

And it may have kept you out of trouble as a teen, but it is truly apparent you don't take the lessons learned from t4H and apply them in your life currently. because you sure cause more trouble for everyone than you we're taugt by 4H as a child.
Except about farm life - you still fuck any animal you can get your cock into!
Sheep, Ponies, Horses, and this list could go on forever - and another animal gives you head - Rogers the blogger.
He's a good cock sucker - ask Tom Womannis! Rogers sucks a lot of cock in the blogger community - Tom swears by him and so does Craig - since Rogers spends a whole lot of time under Craigs Desk!

Next, Craig put's up a little childs drawing in an insulting manner - that is just wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong!
How dare you insult a child - you were one once but you were to busy at the 4 H meetings or fucking animals on the farm!

Then you mention a concert/benefit for a representative who has nothing to do with Rogers Park at all

Hope Locally - Rock Locally

- Evanston, Skokie, Wilmette, and you promote a band from Nashville - what about supporting LOCAL - ROGERS PARK acts since you say to "rock Locally"?

Here's a SMALL list of LOCAL - ROGERS PARK bands
The Good Name Band
Hay Perro
Outlaw Family Band
Pat Hall and the Fat Guys Band
The Reptoids
The Teflons
Craig Champlin

But you don't support local music - only bash and disregard local acts - good thing that band called you out from the stage at the fest last year!!!

And then, you post 6 foot something and full of shit - you are about 6 foot something, and just as full of shit as Larry.
You smell like shit, look like shit, so you must be shit! And I'll be you dont even shop in Chicago - you shop in Evanston like Joe Moore!

And the king of your bullshit - The parking issue on Pratt
and you take full credit for it - how do you know if other residents of that block did not complain about the problem - YOU DON'T - but you just use this to STROKE your ego like Rogers the Blogger and Tom Womannis stroke your cock. Like you and your blog EVER really get anything in Rogers Park done except for bitching about things that YOU could get up off of your lazy trust fund baby ass and fix your own damn self. But you are a computer Gangster - only typing your issues, from behind a keypad, never getting off his ass to actually be productive in Rogers Park - but since you are so negative, you only damage Rogers Park!

On a humorous Side Note, Tom Wommanis proved just how stupid he actually is in his blog - he thought Hillary Clinton's
middle name was Rodham - HE HE HE HA HA HA - and called people idiots and other child like names for disagreeing with him
Hey Womannis - Rodham is her MAIDEN name you dumb fuck!
And you call people idiots - like Craig, you need to get, read and UNDERSTAND all of the facts before you open your biased opinion up and post it as the word of God! RPKELLY, way to go - keep it up - show the Rogers Park blogging community how much of an idiot REPUBLICANT Tommie Wommanis is! I liked his pictures of the colt 45 and cheap tequilla - showing us what his drinks of choice are.

Hey Craig, Tommie Wommanis is a drunk like you - maybe you two should get together, and drink - that is when you're not getting kicked out of parties - tom and the Steans Party - Ha!!!!! LOL !!!!!! LMAO!!!!!
And once gain, Craig's political choice LOST!

Hey, if you are running for any political office and want to Win, make sure you get on Craigies bad side - it's asure4 fire way to WIN!
here's a couple of losers who listened to and buddied up with Craig and Lost
Don "no dong" Gordon
Susan "Slut" Elder

And Craig, if you keep pointing all of the good drug spots, and the cops arrest the dealers, where are you going to get your
dope you dope?

Sub Brothers - it's your favorite Rogers Park hang out - didn't I see you walking out of there with a burger and a rock in your hand? Give it up - let them run their business - be happy at least a couple of businesses are still on Morse Ave you dumb fuck!

And another side not - Roger, if you are really so gung ho about talking shit , lets meet and resolve our "issues" I'd love to meet you and then beat you - down like the little bitch you are!!! Pick the place - but it has to be in Rogers Park, not edgewater, not evanston, Rogers Park!

Ready for your beat down Rogers?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

* Moore: Clean Morse Avenue out really means:

Craig is just pissed that he does not have a bar to drink at anymore now that the Top Hat is Closed

Craig, you really are an idiot.

How can Joe Moore control the rentals of property that is not his. it was run my Mr. Rider, not Joe.

Mr Rider did not properly screen his tenants, or police and provide security for his buildings.

Granted, Joe Should have held him more accountable, by asking the city for help to resolve the problem, and the Chicago Police Department should have done their jobs, by providing more officers to that location, rather than having them sleeping in their cars @ the 7 11 on Pratt and Glenwood or at the parking lot on Touhy and Sheridan. But the police problem belongs to the Police Super., not Joe.

Don't forget that David Orr was the reason for all the bullshit section 8 housing came into Rogers Park...most of you Rogers Park Transplants don't remember him as our alderman do you? He opened the door for a lot of the bullshit in Rogers Park we see today. Prior to Daivd Orr's aldermannic Run in Rogers Park, the area was nicer, cleaner, and a better place to live, but in comes David Orr, setcion 8 housing, and POOF, Rogers Park turns to Shit.

David Orr merely used Rogers Park to move himself up the political ladder in Chicago, andit did not get him very far.

But Everyone BLAMES Joe Moore for the problems in our ward, when a good portion of the problems were left by Orr for someone else to fix.

But Craigie Poo Poo won't mention that, because he is 2 faced, biased and a liar.

Craig and most of his stupid hate bloggers are transplants to Rogers Park. I've been in Rogers Park for over 45 years, more than most of you who blog have been here or alive for that matter.

I remember when JB Alberto's was on Clark Street, when the comic book store on Morse Burned Down, K-Mars (which is now the dollar store on Morse and Glenwood), When the Adelphi was actually open as a movie Theater - you know the place that loser Bill Moron could'nt save from the wrecking ball, Jewel on Morse Avenue, when the a and t grill was on the east side of Clark St, when Leona's was the Round Table, The Morseland was a really cool place to eat, On The Tao, Edwardos was still on howard St., The Howard bowl, where you could shot billiards and bowl, The Record Shack on Howard St, the Record Exchange on Morse - we have not had a music store in Rogers Park since they closed.....why is that? Charles Variety on Morse, now it's a parking lot, Isis Rising Books, and now we only have one book store in Rogers Park, perry's meats, the butcher that was on the east side of glenwood, between Lunt and Greenleaf, When we had the health foor store on Morse - Prem Mart I think it was called, but now we have no alternative to Whole foods in Rogers Park, and so on, and so on

But none of you hate bloggers even remember that?Do you?
but around came David Orr, and like I said Rogers Park went to shit.

But since Craig Hates Joe Moore, he won't tell you about these things - again just to hide the truth and make his mortal enemy look bad.

Remember when Craig hated Don Gordon also - now he loves Don.......there's something FISHY about that.

Here Craig - tell the Truth, not just part of it, ALL OF IT.

Weren't you going to quit blogging ?

And where is that fruity fuck friend of yours Rogers?

Oh, he's busy under your desk.
Maybe joe can do more to help fix and restore Rogers Park, but the problems were here long before he got into office here, and will probably be here long after he is gone.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Well, Craig the cocksucker sent me a stupid little video he made of Joe moore and Criags Boyfriend Jay with them doing some stupid little dance.

Craig, this shows a few things about you.
One, you have way too much time on your hands, and should get a life. Really, I am in the offices of GAY CHICAGO now, hateblogging you.

come find me. Dare you to.

but that would mean you need to get up from your computer and look around here.

you're nothing more that a pansy.

Two, you depict them in "sexually provocative dances, etc which means you want them to fuck your ass.and or have the hots for all of them, and want to get it on with them.
Didn't you and womannais have enough alone time this weekend? Neither you two really work, so take an extra day off, and finish the job, although it shouldn't really take the whole day - about 30 seconds each, so you'd have 23 hours and 59 minutes to spend trash talking and degrading Rogers Park, the community you 2 claim to love so much.
Invite Rogers the blogger who loves the bukake! Shoot the goo in his face! give it to that fruity fuck good, he needs a shot in the face to remind him that he is a little bitch, and should be treated like one.

Three, that even though you own Gay Chicago, you aren't a worthwhile owner.
Rather than spending your time with your bullshit blog, a good business owner would actually spend time concentrating on his business, improving it, making it better, but you just act like the trust fund brat you are, leeching off of the magazine and society, spewing your full of shit attitude and lies about a community that some of live in and have lived in for years longer than you.

You complain and bitch so much, why don't you get off of your lazy ass, turn off your computer, set down your camera and go out in the community and do something constructive?
Go sweep something, help out in a community center .
donate your time in a productive manner to the community.
but you won't because you are really worthless and a sack of shit.

And Rogers the blogger, go suck Craig off, you'd be doing each other a favor!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Craigie Poo Poo, Tom womanannis and Rogers the blogger should all get together for a big circle jerk

I've been reading all of the shit they claim to be true, and well you are all full of shit.

Tom, tom are a republican, so go suck Georgie's Bush, OK, shut up.

Craig, can you ever tell the truth?

I'll be you can't I'd even quit blogging if Craig could tell the truth for 2 weeks, but we know that will never happen.

And Rogers, go get a bukake bath from Craig and Tom.

You are a little pussy who should just shut the fuck up, move out of rogers park and get a life.

Nuff Said?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Craig Gernhardt, the Hypocrite

If everyone remembers correctly, Craigie Poo Poo, the shit loving asslicker, recently posted about the signs that political candidates place all over the city, calling it trash, just because it was for a candidate he did not support, and yet, he admits to placing signs for his candidate all over the area.

Isn't this what you are bitching aboput dick head - aren't the signs you are posting trash as well?

Are you going to go and pick up the ones that you set up after the election is over, or leave the signs for the Streets and Sanitation crews to pick up?

So, my tax dollars have to go to pay to clean up your mess?

At Least some of the signs were taken down, and hopefully properly dispoded of.

Craig, You really are WORTHLESS.

And as usual, your "blog" is making comments and posts about NON-ROGERS PARK items - thought you were only "keeping an eagle Eye on Rogers Park"

But since you are a lying sack of shit, we see you can't even stick tothe words you use about your blog.

You are scum.

Weren't you going to quit the blog?
Well you should, and don't you owe a whole slew of apologies.

Here rather than make the apologies, quit the blog, sell your ownership of Gay Chicago Magazine, sell your condo on lunt, and leave Rogers PArk, possibly even Chicago.

You'd be doing everyone a favor Prick.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Hey Rogers, Shut the fuck up!

No you sack of shit, I am not gone yet, nor will I ever be!
So long as there are morons like you and Craig and the other dumb ass bloggers, who don't know their head from their own ass, I'll keep on telling it like it is.

Now for you shit head, come on down to the Oasis tonight, I'll be at the pool table, so we can discuss your little bullshit pissant attitude, or maybe you should just go and give your shotgun a big fat wet kiss.

On a side note the results from my poll are in and it seems, well, that most everyone who chimed in thinks Craigie poo poo should quit the blog......and a few think he should go die too.

Well Craig, The People have spoken.

By the way didn't you say you were going to quit the blog, and get a life.

By the way, what is your fetish with shit, do you eat it, roll in it, what?
Grow up you nasty mother fucker.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Well, 2008 is Here


Well, Craig has the same shit - literally - yet again with more pictures of Shit

Craig, if you love shit so much, have some one shit on you!

And by the way, weren't you going to give up the blog??????

Well, what's the problem?

We see the "expansion" of your "coverage" area, but really, all you talk about is the same shit daily - it's old, just like you.

Let's see, so-called "political corruption", Joe Moore and how you hate him, shit, and parking, you're just like a broken record.

You know the majority of the people who responded to my blog poll say you should quit the blog and go die........

Well the people have spoken, time to live up to their requests.

Well you worthless sack of shit, hope you go die in the new year