Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Craig Gernhardt, the Hypocrite

If everyone remembers correctly, Craigie Poo Poo, the shit loving asslicker, recently posted about the signs that political candidates place all over the city, calling it trash, just because it was for a candidate he did not support, and yet, he admits to placing signs for his candidate all over the area.

Isn't this what you are bitching aboput dick head - aren't the signs you are posting trash as well?

Are you going to go and pick up the ones that you set up after the election is over, or leave the signs for the Streets and Sanitation crews to pick up?

So, my tax dollars have to go to pay to clean up your mess?

At Least some of the signs were taken down, and hopefully properly dispoded of.

Craig, You really are WORTHLESS.

And as usual, your "blog" is making comments and posts about NON-ROGERS PARK items - thought you were only "keeping an eagle Eye on Rogers Park"

But since you are a lying sack of shit, we see you can't even stick tothe words you use about your blog.

You are scum.

Weren't you going to quit the blog?
Well you should, and don't you owe a whole slew of apologies.

Here rather than make the apologies, quit the blog, sell your ownership of Gay Chicago Magazine, sell your condo on lunt, and leave Rogers PArk, possibly even Chicago.

You'd be doing everyone a favor Prick.


Unknown said...

My, such a potty mouth our little boy has developed!


Natas said...

Well, why don't you come by and try to fix my potty mouth.

I'm waiting, pick a location, I'll show you how little of a boy I am, when I rip out your throat, and watch you suffocate on your own blood you faggot

Unknown said...

My, our little boy not only has a potty mouth, but suffers from tough guy delusions too!

What's the matter, little fella? One too many wedgies on the playground?

Also, did anyone ever tell you that the little fella' who runs around callingg everyone "faggots" usually has a deep dark secret that he's afraid to face?

Come on, little natass, you can tell us!


Unknown said...