Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A hole that won't go away

Yup, It's Craig Gernhardt and The Morse Hell Hole.

It's all kind of like a broken toilet full of Craigs favorite picture (SHIT - see my previous posts if you can't remember).
You just keep cramming the shit in the toilet, but since it won't flush, it festers with a bad stench and possible harmful bacteria, which could be spread to others and do unjust harm to them

Like Craig and his Blog.

You know, Craig is a deep hole, just colpletely stuffed full of so much shit, no wonder he has his full of shit blog, he needs to spew the shit somewhere before he explodes!

But maybe, Craig should do the world a favor, and hold it all in, keep it to himself, then expolde in his little condo, so only the hasmat team will have to clean up after him, once and for all.

Rogers Park Garden Group : MEANS

IT's actually the Rogers Park Don Gordon's Groupies group.

Craig, Sorry, but I have to correct you.

And besides, when'd you join the plant stupid shit and bitch group? Showing your true colors? You're a queen?

And Really, who would have really wanted to vote for Skeletor?

I mean really, He's one foot in the grave. Seriously, if he got elected, and had a heart attack and croaked, well we'd all be fucked.

Here the two of them look strikingly similar, notice the inherited family features, old worn haggered looks, you see.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Skeletor, but it could be Don Gor - No - Dong

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Don No Dong - Or Skeletor, you know, I almost can't tell, well you be the judge, let me know, are they siblings, Father and Son, Father and Grandfather, Or incestous pigs?


Monday, October 29, 2007

Who is really CLUELESS

Well, we all know who that is, Craig Gernahrdt!

Yes, folks, Joe Moore is not the clueless one, Craig is!!!!!

He's so clueless, Where the fuck do I begin, but then again, everyone already knows who's clueless!

So where you been drinkin' now that the shit hole the top hat is gone?

Dukes? By Michael and Katy at the Heartland Cafe or Red Line Tap? Or maybe at the Morseland, I mean, really, it's a quick crawl home for when you get wasted and can't walk anymore.

Oh, I know, the New Morse Theater, right out your back door, that you were so opposed to but now you could care less, infact, you blasted them about noise, parking, traffic (buisness in rogers park) , then just recently, didn't you welcome them into Rogers Park in another one of your posts? Oh wait they aren't open yet, and who know's if they ever will be.

You are a two faced, two sided worthless piece of SHIT.

Did you know that you are a joke arounf the Gay Chicago Offices??

Daddy's little Trust fund baby, thats all you are.

Please hurry up and sell out to someone who cares, so a real person can run this magazine.

PS Afraid to answer my question Fuck Face?

Sunday, October 21, 2007

A REPOST - An Open Question To Craig Gernahrdt

Since you have not answered, I ask again, or are you too scared to answer - after the video and all.

Will you ever learn to tell the whole truth?

Not just little bits and pices like an ambulance chasing lawyer does to the court in order to get his client off, but actually give facts and not a completely biased bunch of crap?
Or Hold your tounge until you have the real hard facts and information, rather than spew about things prematurely that could adversely effect people living in and or working in this community?

Here, have you gotten any of the Information on stories you've posted and said you'd file the papers with the city to find out what really happened?

No, I don't think you have - you just shoot your mouth off, and tarnish some good people of Rogers Park, not to mention Tarnish Rogers Park.

So, Will you ever tell the whole truth Craig?

I know you won't answer, but I put this out to you anyway.


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Here's something funny

You know, the video parody I sent to craig,

this one

Is the same day craig took his blog private.

Then opened it up to the public shortly after........
Makes you think Craigie is a sissy after all, and hides behind his computer, acting like an internet gangster.

What A Joke, but the video scared you, and you know it did.

I bet you only got about halfway through it, and got so scared that you thought you had to take your blog private.
Then you finished watching.

Ha Ha Ha, LOL, etc, that's so funny.

Did you call the police before you finished watching it?

Well, Craig, did you?

And Why haven't you answered my Whole heartedly reasonable question?

Please, feel free to answer at anytime.

Thanks, NATAS

Friday, October 12, 2007

Craig and Shit

Now, I know, The 2 go hand in hand, but really, Craig, what's with all of the pictures of Shit?

Do you have a fetish with shit or something?

I know, you're one of those guys who goes to those "special" clubs and has women shit on you.
Got it, now I get it.

But do you have to disgust the rest of the world with shit?

Here, if it bothers you that badly, Go wash it off the ground, ok, then you'd be a good citizen, but you won't because you are not a good citizen.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

An open question to Craig Gerhardt

Will you ever learn to tell the whole truth?

Not just little bits and pices like an ambulance chasing lawyer does to the court in order to get his client off, but actually give facts and not a completely biased bunch of crap?
Or Hold your tounge until you have the real hard facts and information, rather than spew about things prematurely that could adversely effect people living in and or working in this community?

Here, have you gotten any of the Information on stories you've posted and said you'd file the papers with the city to find out what really happened?

No, I don't think you have - you just shoot your mouth off, and tarnish some good people of Rogers Park, not to mention Tarnish Rogers Park.

So, Will you ever tell the whole truth Craig?

I know you won't answer, but I put this out to you anyway.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

" Former Synagogue Site on the Market" My Thoughts

Bring on the Condo's!

Screw the poor F@^k's that can;t afford to rent here any more.

IT's about time.

Renovate the rider buildings, and sell them just like the ones accross the street from the Hippies at the heartland cafe.

Build a 75 unit condo building where the jews used to pray to their god, and jack the prices up so only rich and well to do folks can afford to live here.

Get rid of all the poor in Rogers Park again so us long time residents can live in peace like we did so many years ago.

Get rid of Craigie Poo Poo! Make him move somewhere like Logan Square or something.

Jeez, I must be drunk - I'm dreaming of HEaven, a rogers park with out that cocksucker craig and his worthless croonies, I am drunk.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Craig Should Quit

Look Dickhead, you're the one who brings all of the bullshit to rogerspark in the first place.

You Blog is worthelss like you are, because you NEVER tell the whole truth, or even parts of the real truth.

Liars like you should quit and hide under the rock you came from.

Your blog has been up for three years, 3 years too many.

That band Roundeye had it right by publically blasting you and your bullshit to the rest of Rogers Park and Then some.

So do Rogers PArk, and The WORLD a fvor and delete your blog, then go DIE you worthless sack of Shit

Saturday, October 6, 2007

I've been on Vacation, but I'm back

So Craig, Fuck you, here's The truth behind your recent slew of BULLSHIT!!!

And Bill Morton shut your fucking little cry baby cock holster.
Go find another cause you can't save!

Well, Thank god you are out of town, the IQ in Rogers Park just went up ASTRONOMICALLY!!!!!
Hope you Crash your little POO POO Bike and never come back to Rogers Park.

And your little You Tube bit, come on, it's you tube, nothing to be too proud of, but you NEED the attention.
What you don get enough from the blog and the hefer you Fuck?

Isn't it enough that you're a little wussy Trust Fund baby, who is singlehandedly running daddy's magazine into the ground?

And some teens smoke a little weed, OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!

You've admitted to smoking pot, come on Craig, did Puff the magic fly away like a cloud of smoke?
Just like the rest of your dreams and aspirations, Making you this creepy old fuck with a bad attitude, who has nothing better to do with his time than bitch just like a little old lady?
Wait, you are a little lady.

And Alberto's Pizzaria, another Rogers Park institution, which won't bow down and kiss your worthless smelly ass.
Again, Like the Heartland Cafe, they have been here far longer than you and will probably be here long after you are pushing up daisies because some gangbanger looked on line and see's how worthless you are and terminates your worthless existance. You attack them for actually trying to improve upon what they are doing. It's one of the last places to get food on Morse, and Like Morse Gyros, who have been here for again, LONGER THAN YOU HAVE BEEN IN ROGERS PARK, you attack them for who they serve food to. They can't pick and choose who eats/patronizes their establishments, that would be discrimination, Craig you dick head. And if your goal is to better Rogers Park, how would driving out 2 family owned buissnesses help the owners - Nino - who supports his family from the Shop, and who bought the place after being an employee there for a number of years. But you would not know or remember that, because you were not in Rogers PArk you worthless transplant.

Now, I am not a fan of gangs, but I hope one of them .............

The Rider Building - Yes, same old shit different day, EXCEPT, a new company has EXVICTED the old tenants or is in the process of, so that place will not be much of a problem in a few more months. You can't even gicve a new owner time to make a change, nothings good enough for you asshole.
Quit bitching, at least they are trying, unlike you who is a Computer Gangster, who can type all he wants to like a "big man" but can't put his money where is mouth is and try to improve the hood.
Either fix something or quit bitching Dickhead!

And cut the number of aldermen in half, you like that, so NOTHING gets done?
At Least there are some changes in Rogers Park.
ANY improvement is better than nothing at all asshole. '

Then there's some other race and you humiliate what seems to be a nice kid by putting your ugly mug in a pic with him and then posting it on line for all to see how stupid you look and how stupid he looks in a picture with you - I'll be he wishes he NEVER took that photo.

That's all from NATAS, Fuck you Craig, Tom, Michael Harrington, Toni, Jocelyn and all you other shit for heads. Burn in Hell.