Wednesday, October 10, 2007

An open question to Craig Gerhardt

Will you ever learn to tell the whole truth?

Not just little bits and pices like an ambulance chasing lawyer does to the court in order to get his client off, but actually give facts and not a completely biased bunch of crap?
Or Hold your tounge until you have the real hard facts and information, rather than spew about things prematurely that could adversely effect people living in and or working in this community?

Here, have you gotten any of the Information on stories you've posted and said you'd file the papers with the city to find out what really happened?

No, I don't think you have - you just shoot your mouth off, and tarnish some good people of Rogers Park, not to mention Tarnish Rogers Park.

So, Will you ever tell the whole truth Craig?

I know you won't answer, but I put this out to you anyway.


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