Wednesday, March 12, 2008

We're Laws Broken - really means

Well, it means Craigie Poo Poo is back in bed with Don Gordon - as he proves once again, by posting a Don " No Dong" Gordon Letter.

Wait, wasn't Cragie Poo Poo hating on Don " No Dong " Gordon before the Aldermanic Run-Off?
I Think So!

OK, now to the real issue North Shore School. It once was a finer learning institution for the Rogers Park community, but the community no longer supported it - who are they going to teach to if they have no enrollment - when the founders and owners are tired and want to give the school up?

No One took it over, tried to keep it as a school, and well, unfortunately, now we have to move on.
If this community supported it, well, maybe, it could have stayed open.

If there weren't so many of you fucking Rogers Park transplants who just bash the area, and take all of your shopping, education for children out of the ward, this would not have happened, but you're good enough to live in Rogers Park but not support it's business?


But Craigie Poo Poo spends lot's of his money in the area - at the crack spots, Soo Liqour, the hookers on Morse, yeah, he supports this community.

And some bloody knife fight? Craigie, who'd ya stab?

And as usual, he's back bashing Joe Moore, Jim Ginderski, Michael James, Katy Hogan, Kevin O'Neil just like a whiny old bitch, or better yet, the broken record that he is - Get over it or get off your homophobic ass and do something!

1 comment:

RP4Life said...

I went to this school in the 70s. When we were looking for schools to send our children to we looked into North Shore School. The school was in such poor condition, we did not feel that it was worh 5K a year. They had not even painted the rooms since I left, class of 82. It will serve us much better as a parking lot. Future high rise when LSD heads to Evanston.