Saturday, October 6, 2007

I've been on Vacation, but I'm back

So Craig, Fuck you, here's The truth behind your recent slew of BULLSHIT!!!

And Bill Morton shut your fucking little cry baby cock holster.
Go find another cause you can't save!

Well, Thank god you are out of town, the IQ in Rogers Park just went up ASTRONOMICALLY!!!!!
Hope you Crash your little POO POO Bike and never come back to Rogers Park.

And your little You Tube bit, come on, it's you tube, nothing to be too proud of, but you NEED the attention.
What you don get enough from the blog and the hefer you Fuck?

Isn't it enough that you're a little wussy Trust Fund baby, who is singlehandedly running daddy's magazine into the ground?

And some teens smoke a little weed, OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH!

You've admitted to smoking pot, come on Craig, did Puff the magic fly away like a cloud of smoke?
Just like the rest of your dreams and aspirations, Making you this creepy old fuck with a bad attitude, who has nothing better to do with his time than bitch just like a little old lady?
Wait, you are a little lady.

And Alberto's Pizzaria, another Rogers Park institution, which won't bow down and kiss your worthless smelly ass.
Again, Like the Heartland Cafe, they have been here far longer than you and will probably be here long after you are pushing up daisies because some gangbanger looked on line and see's how worthless you are and terminates your worthless existance. You attack them for actually trying to improve upon what they are doing. It's one of the last places to get food on Morse, and Like Morse Gyros, who have been here for again, LONGER THAN YOU HAVE BEEN IN ROGERS PARK, you attack them for who they serve food to. They can't pick and choose who eats/patronizes their establishments, that would be discrimination, Craig you dick head. And if your goal is to better Rogers Park, how would driving out 2 family owned buissnesses help the owners - Nino - who supports his family from the Shop, and who bought the place after being an employee there for a number of years. But you would not know or remember that, because you were not in Rogers PArk you worthless transplant.

Now, I am not a fan of gangs, but I hope one of them .............

The Rider Building - Yes, same old shit different day, EXCEPT, a new company has EXVICTED the old tenants or is in the process of, so that place will not be much of a problem in a few more months. You can't even gicve a new owner time to make a change, nothings good enough for you asshole.
Quit bitching, at least they are trying, unlike you who is a Computer Gangster, who can type all he wants to like a "big man" but can't put his money where is mouth is and try to improve the hood.
Either fix something or quit bitching Dickhead!

And cut the number of aldermen in half, you like that, so NOTHING gets done?
At Least there are some changes in Rogers Park.
ANY improvement is better than nothing at all asshole. '

Then there's some other race and you humiliate what seems to be a nice kid by putting your ugly mug in a pic with him and then posting it on line for all to see how stupid you look and how stupid he looks in a picture with you - I'll be he wishes he NEVER took that photo.

That's all from NATAS, Fuck you Craig, Tom, Michael Harrington, Toni, Jocelyn and all you other shit for heads. Burn in Hell.


Anonymous said...

Son you have issues. Maybe you should be the one who leaves Rodgers Park. Maybe go on a sabbatical. Go some place to relax alittle before you hang yourself in a closet.
Are you a homophobe? Or did Craig rebuke one of your advances and now your out to get him? Maybe your the one hiding something.

Natas said...

Craig is a worthless sack of shit who deserves to be called out on all of his bullshit and lies he preads.

If he tels the truth, then maybe, I'll shut up, go on a sbatical, whatever.

The fact remains that he is a transplant to Rogers Park, unlike some of us who have been here for 40 + years

Unknown said...

Such an angry little girl!

Honey, you need a good talking to!

Unknown said...

Such an angry little girl!

Honey, you need a good talking to!

Natas said...

Bitch shut the fuck up before I ram my cock down your throat and choke you with it!